Red Sage Extract
Botanical name: Salvia miltiorrhiza
Part used: Fresh root
Ingredients: Fresh Red Sage root, certified organic non-GMO cane alcohol and pure Adirondack water.
Percentage of alcohol used: 60-70%
Ratio plant to menstruum: 1:3
Safety considerations: None noted
Origin: USA & China
About: Salvia root is bitter in taste, and slightly cold in action. It has been shown to promote blood circulation, increase coronary blood flow improving micro-circulation and has antimicrobial properties against some tic-borne infections. The herb also has overall protective and strengthening qualities.
Red Sage, also known as Dan Shen is a perennial herb that is native to China and Japan, but does grow in our zone three gardens, flowering beautifully beginning in early summer. The azure blue to lavender flowers have a unique shape, similar to tiny hooks that also hold a sticky resin. Though a member of the Salvia (sage) genus, it is uniquely different from the culinary garden sage most are familiar with. It is the fresh red roots that are used in preparing this extract.
Recommended Dosage: 30 drops OR 1/4 tsp 3-4 times per day in juice or water. *Please note our recommended dosage may differ from other sources.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.