Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)
(Tsuga canadensis)
The Eastern Hemlock is a slow growing, long-lived tree that prefers a damp, shady place in the forest. It may take 250-300 years to reach maturity and can live for 800 years or more! The tree is very important to the entire forest eco-systems of the Northeast, providing shelter and food for deer, porcupine, grouse, wild turkey and migratory birds, along with shade for healthy waterways, fish and other aquatic life.
The male and female flowers form in separate clusters on the same branch. Golden pollen from the cone-shaped green male flower is dispersed when the bracts of the red female flower “cones” are partially open in late Spring. We prepare a flower/cone essence from both male and female flowers.
Indications: This essence provides support during times of change, transition and personal transformation, helping to ease one through the process of change. Use when feeling unsure or threatened by change, fearful of transition, when moving location, leaving an old relationship, changing jobs, leaving home, and/ or settling in to a new situation. This is especially helpful for those who have experienced past transitions as fearful or negative, as it provides a foundation of trust.
Overall Qualities:
Eastern Hemlock essence carries the wisdom and experience of time- which helps one gain a broader view of life and see the importance of evolution and change, on both the personal and planetary level. All growth depends upon expansion and renewal, and though the feelings that rise with the need for change can be overwhelming, it is through the process of reflection and making necessary changes in one’s life that one continues to evolve.
Hemlock provides an experience of feeling held, safe, protected, cared for, as one negotiates the uncomfortable feelings that come with change, along with encouraging the decision-making necessary in the process.
One’s senses become more acute, awareness more tuned-in, and a sense of trust develops along with patience with the time it may take to move through the transition. The essence also supports a personal shift in awareness/ consciousness.
Hemlock, like a wise, gentle and supportive elder, offers a safe place to be, an ear to listen, words of wisdom, patience and understanding.
Kate ♡