Ghost Pipe Extract
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Botanical name: Monotropa uniflora
Ingredients: Fresh Ghost Pipe, certified organic non-GMO cane alcohol and pure Adirondack water.
Percentage of organic non-GMO alcohol used: 60%
Ratio plant to menstruum: 1:5
Safety considerations: None noted
Origin: USA (Adirondacks)
About: This whole plant extract holds the energy of the place in which it rises; the calm, quiet, peaceful nature of the deep woods where it grows. Physical pain seems less intense, the mind quieter, the heart open to connection.
Recommended Dosage: 5-15 drops OR 1/8 tsp, 3-4 times per day in juice or water.
*Please note our recommended dosage may differ from other sources.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.